About Screaming Screaming Eagle Tres Días

What is Screaming Eagle Tres Días?

Tres Días is a Christian layman-led movement. It is an adult weekend which seeks to have Christians become closer to the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. While Tres Días explores basic Christian beliefs, it is best described as a spiritual encounter with Christ. Many who have attended a weekend have experienced a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ as they sense His love in a dynamic way. 

The focus is to bring the actions that would embody who Jesus is and His teachings to the Church and back out into the world.

A Tres Días weekend is guided by The Essentials, which are set forth by Tres Días International.

What Happens at Tres Días?

Tres Días weekends begin on a Thursday evening and conclude on Sunday afternoon. For three days you’ll join other participants, along with a team of servant leaders, to step away from the distractions of the world and into the Lord’s holy presence.

Each weekend is bathed in prayer and relies on the Holy Spirit for leadership and guidance. Set apart for God, you’ll live, learn, pray and worship in community, while God speaks to you individually. Men and women attend separate weekends.

Each day you’ll hear a series of instructional and inspirational talks that reveal how God has touched the speaker’s life in a deeply personal way. You’ll learn from their insights, struggles and triumphs as you reflect on your own faith journey. In small group discussions, key points from the talks will open your heart to the reality of God’s grace in your life.

What Tres Días is Not:  

  • It is not intended to become an alternative to your home church or practice of worship

  • It is not a denomination, nor is it designed to become a focal point of worship, other than during the particular weekend

Why is Tres Días so Special?

  • A once in a lifetime experience. Once a person has attended a weekend, they are not permitted to attend again, unless they do so as a future Team Member.  Following the weekend, Candidates are strongly encouraged to participate in small groups, referred to in Tres Días lingo as "reunion groups"  

  • Prayer. Once a person completes a weekend, they become part of  the Tres Días community.  The community is made aware of the weekend schedules, and it is the responsibility and desire of the community to hold each weekend up in prayer.  These weekends are literally immersed in prayer, love, and support.  

  • Community. Very often, people are touched by God's love in a powerful way on their weekend, and it becomes their desire to share that experience with others.  It is this community of believers that support the weekends with their prayers and their physical labors. Christians work behind the scenes of every weekend to make certain that the needs of the Candidates are met.

Tres Días Statement of Belief

1. We believe and profess our faith in one Triune God - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19).

2. We believe and profess that Jesus Christ is the only Savior and is God in the flesh (John 1:1, 1:14, 3:36, 14: & Heb. 2:17). 

3. We believe and profess that The Holy Spirit is God and is The Lord and Giver of life, who continues to work in believers today to sanctify, edify and empower the whole Christian church on earth for His purpose (Job 33:4, Acts 1:8, John 14:26 & Rom. 8:11). 

4. We believe and profess that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired and completely true Word of God (II Tim. 3:16-17). 

5. We believe and profess that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; that forgiveness of sins is received through confession and repentance - - and that our sins are washed away through the blood of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38, I John 1:9 & Rom. 3:23). 

6. We believe and profess that salvation is a gift of God's grace received through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8). 

7. We believe and profess that the Body of Christ is to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of The Son of God (Eph. 4:3, 13). 

8. We believe and profess that God's unconditional love, as made manifest to us through Jesus Christ, is the primary witness by which people are renewed, edified and changed (I Cor. 13:8). 

9. We believe and profess that God has called us to live holy lives that will bring glory to His name (Col. 3:1-25).